My Best Work in Language Arts!:)

I think that my best piece of work in Language Arts was my essay about Alcatraz Escape in 1962.

Do I think that Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers did make it out alive? Yes, I do believe that they made it out alive. Whereʻs the proof? The was really no evidence or proof that they did make it out alive but yet there was not enough proof to believe that they didnʻt make it out alive, which leaves me to say that they did make it out alive. Why do I believe that they made it out alive? I believe that they did because there was no word heard from them since the escape attempt, until… The F.B.I. got a letter that was believed to have been sent from John Anglin. The letter said “My name is John Anglin. I escape from Alcatraz in June 1962 with my brother Clarence and Frank Morris. I’m 83 years old and in bad shape. I have cancer. Yes, we all made it that night but barely!”


It was a very well planned escape that they just couldnʻt wait to pull off. On that night, everything went perfectly as planned except for one thing. Allen West was a prisoner in Alcatraz and on the night of the escape he was supposed to go with them, but he couldnʻt get out of his cell. There was no time to waste, the three just had to go and leave West. Indeed West was sad, but he was so close to them that he would not snitch on them. The day after the escape, the guards of the prison did their morning headcount and just to find three inmates missing.


After the guards made a horrible discovery, they let the search tower guards know but it was too late. The three had escaped the prison and probably the whole bay area. After not being able to find them, F.B.I. had a search around the area and couldnʻt find anything. Had these three men just escaped Alcatraz or had the been eaten in the shark-infested water or drowned in the strong current lake.


The three men had reportedly been planning to go to Angel Island but all odds were against them. On that night, it was a high tide and the current was leading them to San Francisco but could they possibly complete the daring escape. Even 55 years after the daring escape, a group called the Mythbusters build a replica raft and even with the same condition, they indeed made it to Angel Island. After making it to Angel Island, the Mythbusters was just forced to believe that they did make it out alive.


Still, to this day, the mystery of whether they did or didnʻt make it out of Alcatraz alive may not be solved, but learning about all of this information has convinced me to believe that the three sure made it out alive.


I loved writing about this topic because I personally love the mystery of Alcatraz.

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